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Malaysia My Second Home Program (MM2H)

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Program is promoted by the Malaysian Government that offers a renewable, five-year or 15 years or 20 years(renewable 5 years after expired), multiple-entry social visit pass for qualified applicants who would like to live here or spend extended periods in the country.

It is open to citizens of countries recognized by Malaysia regardless of race, religion, gender or age. Applicants are allowed to bring their spouses and unmarried children below the age of 21 and parents or parents-in-law as dependents.



   Benefits for MM2H Participants 

There are numerous benefits for successful participants under the MM2H Program.

1) MM2H Visa Permit
yes 5 or 15 or 20 year Multi-Entry Social Visit Pass
yes Stay as long as you wish & leave Malaysia anytime
yes Renewable after expired.
yes Spouse can join you under this program.
yes Unmarried Children under 21-year-old can join you under this program.
yes Parents or parents-in-law can join you under a renewable 12-month visa.

2) Tax
Successful applicants are subject to Malaysian taxes on income sourced from Malaysia but income from overseas is not taxable. Interest income received from fixed deposit in bank is also tax exempted.

Even when foreign income (for example, a pension) is taxed at source by the overseas country, it will stop this once evidence is shown that the person is residing in Malaysia. 

3) Education
Children of participants (below 18 years old) may enroll in any public or private schools in Malaysia.

4) Property Purchase
Participants must purchase residential property in Malaysia subject to the minimum price established for MM2H participants by the different categires:




5) Domestic Helper (only for Platinum participants)
A participant can apply for one domestic helper or maid from his home country subject to relevant guidelines of the Immigration Department.

6)​ Business & Investment (only for Platinum participants)
A participant can incorporate a company to conduct business anywhere in Malaysia or internationally. The Participant can fully own his company without local partners. A Participant may also invest in local companies, share market & unit trusts.

7) Working Part Time(only for Platinum participants)
MM2H visa holders can apply for job (only for Platinum participants). Subject to approval of MM2H Immigration Unit.

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