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Since the 1970s, Malaysia has successfully transformed itself from a basic a raw material producing country into newly industrializing nation. It is now the third largest economy in Southeast Asia. Malaysia is naturally endowed with resources and has been, until recently, the world's largest producer and exporter of Natural Rubber, Tin and Palm Oil.

According to 2018 International Monetary Fund statistics, Malaysia was ranked No 35 on World GDP as the 12th largest port in the world.

Malaysia’s macroeconomic policy is closely attuned to the vagaries of the world economy. In spite of the global economic downturn of 2008-2018, the Malaysian economy grew at a respectable rate of 5 - 6%. The country has effectively maintain an inflation at 3.55% and unemployment rates at about 3.3% (2019). Malaysia’s open economy, stable financial system, strong foreign reserves and small external debt will continue to propel the Malaysian economy forward.

The launching of the ‘Economic Transformation Plan’ in 2010 by the Government is another major milestone in the economic development of Malaysia. With a clear focus on 12 key sectors, the Malaysian economy will undergo a major re-structuring and upgrading that will strengthen the industrial capacities and the competitiveness of Malaysia in the world.
Excellent infrastructures, business-friendly environment, strong legal system, extensive business networks and numerous business opportunities continue to be a magnet for foreign Investments, big and small, to come to operate in Malaysia.
Successful MM2H applicants are allowed and encouraged to form companies (with no minimum paid-up capital requirements) and conduct business in Malaysia and internationally.







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